The completion of EU partners blended Face-to-face and online training in the Freelancing Skills

The REACH project teams specialized in the three target fields Information and Communication Technology ICT, Translation and Linguistics and Mechanical Engineering joined the blended Face-to-face and online training program hosted by An-Najah National University- Nablus, as part of Work Package3 of the project funded by the European Commission through the Erasmus + program Capacity Building in the Field of Higher Education CBHE. REACH project aims to develop the capabilities of Palestinian higher education institutions to enhance the possibility of remote employment of Palestinian graduates. The team that received training in included a group of academics, managers and administrators of alumni centers and business incubators from all of the Palestinian partners.



The EU partners included Middlesex University-London, Marconi University – Rome, University of Alicante – Spain and University of Ljubljana – Slovenia provided a training program in topics identified based on the Work Package 1 “training needs assessment”. The team will transfer the experiences gained from the training to the graduates from Palestinian universities in the graduate training program. The training program was distributed over three days, starting on Monday, October 10, and ending on Wednesday, October 12, 2022. The program is scheduled to contain various topics such as How to write your CV and find clients, Code of ethics and personal and professional skills for translators, Freelancing skills and Career Management at Marconi University, Setting up and running a business as a freelancer, How to calculate your rates and manage your accounts, Cultural conflict resolution methods, a practical exercise, Freelancing Skills for Engineers: Experience from previous Erasmus+ projects, Freelancing skills and platforms for Product Designers and Roboticists, Innovation Management and Intercultural Skills.



At the end of the training program, Dr. Sadiq Abdelall, REACH project’s manager, thanked all the trainers, trainees and the universities’ administration for their cooperation and providing the desired benefit from the training.